VOCABULARY 4 Underline the correct verb. Example: go / spend / stay abroad 1 hire / buy / go souvenirs 2 stay / meet / rent an apartment 3 do / take / spend photos 4 go / be / have for a walk 5 take / have / spend a good time 6 see / spend / walk around the town 7 rent / hire / go by car 8 stay / spend / have in a hotel

McViti: Так а какое слово подчеркнуто в примере?
Милена2325: Example: go / spend / stay abroad (подчеркнута go)
Милена2325: 1 imagine
2 salad
3 album
4 interview
5 musician


Ответ дал: McViti
1. buy souvenirs 2. rent an apartment 3. take photos 4. go for a walk 5. have a good time 6. walk around the town 7. go by car 8. stay in a hotel

Милена2325: Спасибо огромное вам !)
McViti: Не за что)
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