Тест «Неличные формы глагола» (инфинитив, причастие, герундий) Выберите 1 правильный вариант из 4-х предложенных. Переведите предложения (письменно).
1. I intended … to the training gym. a) to go b) to be going c) to have gone d) go
2. He wants … the coach about the injury. a) to have informed b) to inform c) to be informed d) inform
3. She has a great desire … to the international competitions. a) to invite b) invite c) to be invited d) to have invited
4. We saw him … the sports complex. a) to enter b) to have entered c) entered d) enter
5. He must … to the doctor's as soon as possible. a) come b) to have come c) to come d) came
6. This athlete is said … his sports career. a) to finish b) finish c) to have finished d) finished
7. The young man … at the window is our best runner. a) to stand b) stand c) stood d) standing
8. The spectators looked at the … ski-jumpers a) to fly b) flying c) flew d) flown
9. A … ski pole was changed. a) break b) broke c) broken d) to have broken
10. … … his things, he hurried to the stadium. a) To pack b) Packing c) Packed d) Having packed
11. When … home, I met my team-mate. a) to go b) going c) went d) to have gone
12. … in this team for many years, he knew the coach very well. a) train b) to train c) having trained d) trained
13. He sent me some … sports catalogues. a) to illustrate b) illustrate c) having illustrated d) illustrated
14. … … … the starting bibs were given to the coaches. a) Having sorted b) Having been sorted c) Sorted d) To sort
15. I think of … to the football match on Sunday. a) to go b) went c) gone d) going
16. My sporting shoes need … a) to repair b) repaired c) repairing d) to have repaired
17. … is a good physical exercise. a) swimming b) to swim c) swam d) swum
18. Thank you for … a) come b) came c) coming d) to come
19. The coach insisted on my … to the team. a) returned b) to return c) have returned d) returning
20. I remember … the information before. a) to see b) having seen c) saw d) seen

McViti: В 14 ошибки нет?
bak14: нету
McViti: А the хотя бы не должно быть перед пропуском?


Ответ дал: McViti
1a, 2b, 3c, 4c, 5a, 6c, 7d, 8b, 9c, 10d, 11b, 12c, 13d, 14 - вообще по идеи the sorted starting bibs ... Должно быть, но если the после пропущенного слова, то скорее всего 'а', хотя как-то ни одно полностью по смыслу не подходит, 15d, 16c, 17a, 18c, 19d, 20b.
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