ЗНАЮЩИЕ АНГЛИЙСКОГО, ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adjectives in bracket.
Пример: Cars are more expensive than motorbikes. (excpensive)
1. Potatoes are .......... caviar. (cheap)
2. Wales is England. (small)
3. The ending of this film is .......... the other film. ( happy)
4. Are you .......... your brother? (intelligent)
5. Is English .......... Chinese? (easy)


Ответ дал: kamilka71
1 . cheaper than
2.wales is smaller than England
3 . happier than
4.more intelligent than
5. easier than
Ответ дал: Natara1
1. Potatoes are cheaper than caviar. (cheap)
2. Wales is smaller than England. (small)
3. The ending of this film is happier than the other film. ( happy)
4. Are you more
intelligent than your brother? (intelligent)
5. Is English easier than Chinese? (easy)

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