16 Health and fitness

A.Match the words in the box with the definitions.

be bad for you be good for you exercise fit healthy healthy diet
keep fit lose weight put on weight unfit unhealthy

1 physically strong and not likely to get ill ...
2 physically strong because you do enough exercise ...
3 to become thinner...
4 to be good for your health ...
5 physical activity that you do to make your body strong and healthy ...
6 to stay healthy ...
7 to be likely to damage your health ...
8 not physically strong because you do not do enough exercise ...
9 food that is good for your health ...
10 to become fatter ...
11 to not be good for your health ...

B.Complete the paragraph with the words from A.Remember
to put the verbs in the correct form.

Health and fitness

Do you feel good ? Are you (1) ... and (2) ... ?
Maybe you think you are too fat and need to (3) ...
Or maybe you are too thin and need to (4) ... Here is
some advice for you.First of all,it is important not to do things that are
(5) ... -so,give up smoking or try to smoke less
do not drink too much alcohol or go to bed too late.if you have an
(6) ... lifestyle,try to change some of the things
you do - do things that are (7) ... Make sure you eat a
(8) ... including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Do plenty of (9) ... to (10) ... -go
running or join your local gym.if you are very (11) ...
though,you should start with just a little swimming.

17 Sport

A.Я сделал,а вот B..помогите пожалуйста

B.Complete the paragraphs about the sports in A with the
words in the box.You can use some of the words more
than once.Remember to put the verbs in the correct form.

game goal lose match player point race score team win

He's practising for tomorrow's football (1) ...
He's very good (2) ... He hopes he'll
(3) ... a (4) ... and help his
(5) ... to (6) ... He won't be happy
if they (7) ...
She's playing a (8) ... of tennis.She's just
(9) ... a (10) ... and needs only one
more to (11) ... She's quite a good tennis
(12) ...
He's running so fast-I think he's going to (13) ... the
(14) ...



Ответ дал: peskotskaya
1match  2player  3score  4goal  5team  6win  7lose  8game  9scored  10point  11win  12player  13win  race
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