Соччинение загадка про известноо человека с описанием внешности (популярного) не с ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА


Ответ дал: platir
This is a man. He is very popular all over the world. He is not an actor, but he is very famous. He is about 64, well built, sportif, his hobby is playing hockey, mountain skiing and judo.He's determined person. He's really Very Important Person in Russia and abroad. (The President of Russia)

MrDIImax: мало///
MrDIImax: нужно около 6 - 7 предложений
platir: там шесть предложений... Добавьте вот это The destiny of people and even nations depends on his dessisions. The half of people hate him, another part admires him and follows him with the hope.
MrDIImax: перевод в лс можно?
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