Make up sentences from these words and wordcombinations.Write them down.
1.never/been/rhe children/to/the circus/have
4.never/I/swum/have/the ocean/in
6.cousin/become/my/has/an engineer
7.Mr Watterson/written/new/book/a/has


Ответ дал: ksyushkamelesh
 1 the children have never been to the circus
2 we have already done our room
3 they have just begun doing their homework
4 i 've never swum in the ocean
5 nick hasn t ggiven back my dictionary
6 my cousin has become an engineer
7 mr has already written a new book

VladTixonow: Спасибо огромное а то завтра сдавать а я спать хочу снова огромное спасибо
ksyushkamelesh: обращайся)
Ответ дал: umnisa01
1.The children never have been to the circus.
2.We have done already our room.
3.They have just begun doing their homework.
4.I have never swum in the ocean.
5.Nick hasn`t given back my dictionary.
6.My cousin has become an engineer.
7.Mr Watterson has written a new book.
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