Задание 1. Вставьте артикль.
She is ... economist. ...USA.... Russia. They say ... sugar is bad for you.... White House. To be at... loss. As ... result. To tell... time. I must go to ... bank and ... post office. They are looking for ... man with ... long dark hair. Helen is quite ... inexperienced secretary. I see ... car. I see ... cars. ... Pacific Ocean. At... time.


Ответ дал: vitaliusik02
She is a economist. The USA. Russia. They say that sugar is bad for you. The White House.  To be at a loss. As a result. To tell a time. I must go to the bank and the post office. They are looking for man with a long dark hair. Helen is quite the inexperienced secretary. I see a car. I see cars. The Pacific Ocean. At the time.
Ответ дал: pahalenko12
She is an economist. .USA. Russia. They say  sugar is bad for you.  the White House. To be at loss. As a result. To tell time. I must go to  bank and post office. They are looking for a man with  long dark hair. Helen is quite  inexperienced secretary. I see a car. I see  cars.  Pacific Ocean. At the time.
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