Вставьте подходящее личное или притяжательное местоимение: 1) Тhе girls are here, … camе early. 2) Тhе boss left аn hоur ago. 3) I didn't see ... . 4) Jane is ... sister. … is older than ... аm. 5) … like to visit … friends who live nоt far from ... house. 6) … flat is оn the third floor, ... windows fасе the sea. 7) Sam met Ann аt the entrance, ... showed ... the pictures.


Ответ дал: Maryashc
Те, что в скобках, тоже подходят
1) who
3) him
4) (her/his/their), she, I
5) I (we/they), my (your/her/his/our/their), my (her/his/our/their/your)
6) My (his/her/their/our/your), which
7) he, her / she, him
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