Помогите пожалуйста,очень очень очееень прошу.

Complete the sentences with the correct comparative, superlative or adverb form of adjectives in breakets.


1) It's___(exoting) to go a party than to stay at home!


2)Don’t watch that!  It’s the _______ (boring) programme on TV.


3) My house is the _______ (far) from the school. I have to catch the bus at 7.30 a.m.!


4)My sister is only five but she reads very _______ (good). 


5) I’m _______ (happy) than yesterday. I’ve got some new trainers


6)Chris doesn’t study very hard. He’s got the _______ (bad) results in the class.


7)It’s usually _______ (cold) in England than it is in Italy.


8) I think English is the _______ (difficult) language in the world!


9)My brother’s a _______ (good) driver than I am.


10)Her writing is very clear. She writes so ______ (careful).





Ответ дал: Lakrimonia

1. more exciting

2. most boring

3. farthest

4. well

5. happier

6. worst

7. colder

8. most difficut

9. better

10. carefully

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