помогите выбрать правильную форму глагола, пожалуйста.
1. They consider the bill in detail (do, does).
2. The House of representatives passed the bill three days ago (does, did).
3. The State Duma will discuss a new budget soon (will, shall).
4. This was an occasion for debate (was, did).
5. They decided to adopt this law (did, do).
6. Ministers make their decisions collectively (did, do).
7. The leader of the opposition became the Prime Minister of the Shadow
Cabinet (did, does).
8. The Government changes after an election (do, does).


Ответ дал: wolf126
1) do
2) did
3) will
4) was
5) did
6) did
7) did
8) does

kashirskaya2013: спасибо огромное!!
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