if you collected domestic waste into different bins
if more domestic rubbish were cycling
there would be more fish and animals in the sea
we would live on a cleaner planet if people
if we hadn't organized a clean up day in the park
more waste paper plastic glass and metal could be recycled
помогите сроочнооооо сроооочнооооо завтра надо сдать до полните предложения 


Ответ дал: daria1969
Если бы ты выбрасывал мусор в раздельные баки и больше домашнего мусора бы перерабатывалось , то больше рыб и животных в море жили бы на чистой планете .Если бы не организовали уборку в парке то больше брошенной бумаги , пластмассовых и металических стаканов могли бы быть переработаны  ( не логично )

Что нужно сделать ??

margo190502: дополнить 6 предложений по английскому
daria1969: If you collected domestic waste into different bins you helped to recycling company.If more domestic rubbish were cycling we would have more recycling things. There would be more fish and animals in the sea if fabrics would stop pollute in water. we would live on a cleaner planet if people would care about it .
daria1969: if we hadn't organized a clean up day in the park it still would be rubbish everywhere. more waste paper plastic glass and metal could be recycled if we start separating waste and drop in in a special bins
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