1) Darren Smith is kind and doing well at school. He _____ (want) to be an actor or a police officer.

2) _______ (child) tease him about his weight at his school.

3) So he has decided to attend Britians"s _______ (one) camp for overweight people.

4) There is a weight problem among kids in Britian. In the year 2010, 15% or more kids _________ (be) over their ideal weight.

5) Doctors say that in 2020 more than 20% od young people _______ (have) weight problems.

6) Most people leave the camp with lots of new friends and feel _______ (happy) and healthier than before.

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Ответ дал: Alexandraass
1)то же самое+est
3)mast one
6) most happi

ilyasudas: Спасибо большое!
Alexandraass: не за что
Вас заинтересует