нужно написать 10 предложений про еду( на аглийском использовав passive voice


Ответ дал: zeugenia2014
The big cake was baked by Sam.
The great dinner has already been cooked. Come to us and taste the food!
I hope that healthy food will have been liked by millions of people soon.
A loaf of bread was bought by our mom.
A cucumber sandwich will be cooked by me soon.
Delicious food is being cooked by shef for an hour.
Hey, a cucumber sandwich has been cooked by Helen.
A lot of pancakes were fryed by Julia.
Junk food is eaten by millions of people every day. 
A piece of cheese was eaten by mouse.

ladyifraimova: а это с интернета все ?
ladyifraimova: Это точно правильно???
zeugenia2014: Я сама сидела сейчас и придумывала их.
Вас заинтересует