Перевести предложения в косвенную речь:
1.Where were you yestarday? He asked me...
2.Do you want to see the new film? Mike asked her...
3.We had finished our work by 6 o-clock. He said...
4.Please dont read the letter. She said...


Ответ дал: Аноним
1.Where were you yesterday? He asked me where I had been yesterday.
2.Do you want to see the new film? Mike asked me if I wanted to see the new film.
3.We had finished our work by 6 o-clock. They said that they had finished their  
work by 6 o-clock
4.Please don't read the letter. She asked not to read that letter
Ответ дал: НЕУЧномер1вРоссии
1.Where were you yestarday? He asked me where I had been yesterday.
2.Do you want to see the new film? Mike asked her if I wanted to see the new film.
3.We had finished our work by 6 o-clock. He said.that he had finished our 
work by 6 o-clock
4.Please dont read the letter. She said.not to read that letter

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