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№2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. I wish I ___________ (travel) to Spain next summer.
2. I wish I ____________ (not/ lend) Steve my bike; he has broken it!
3. If only I ___________ (have) my umbrella with me, but I left it at home.
4. I wish it ___________ (not/be) so cold here.
5. If only I ____________ (not/ drink) so much coffee last evening! I couldn’t sleep the whole night!
6. I wish I _________ (know) French.
7. If only I ____________ (not/ have) to do my homework every day!


Ответ дал: Гокудера168
1) traveled 2)had not lent 3) had had 4) were not 5) had not drunk 6 )knew 7) did not have

Fox3310: спасибо!
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