Раскройте скобки поставив глаголы в Past Simple
1) Yesterday l (break) the kitchen window playing football in the garden.
2)The bus (be) late,so we missed beginning of the film.
3) Karen didn't go To Go to school Yesterday Because She(feel) sick
4)Susan (not wear) her jeanes to the party-she (wear) her new dress
5)Lasr night we(go) to the theatre to see a ballet.
6)(Jason/take)the dog out for a walk this morning?
7)Where(you/find) your mobile?l(find) it under my bed.
8) Our qrandparents(not send) emails but they letters


Ответ дал: Maditur123
1 broke
2 was
3 felt
4 didn't wear, wore
5 went
6 did Jason take
7 did you find, found
8 didn't send
Ответ дал: hz99
Для того, чтобы поставить английский глагол во время Past Simple, нужно использовать его «вторую форму». Для большинства глаголов она образуется прибавлением окончания -ed 1)broke 2)was 3) felt 4)didn't wear, wore 5)went 6)did Jason take 7) did you find, found 8)didn't send
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