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Ответ дал: Аноним

2 years ago a saw a football play Barcelona vs Real Madrid. This was very unusual play.Player named Leo Messi played very well.i notised that he isnt very tall so he could run very fast and atack  very easely. After this match I began to pay atantion to football very much. I wanted to be like Messi.This grandiose player maked me feel my self stronger becouse in childhood he was ill and now he is the greatest footballer in the world.And as he says the man must trust himself and need to trein verymuch to reach a dream of life.The main thing is not to avoid difficulties.I think this words of Messi each of other can use in life.They are veryuseful and helps not to lose faith.  надеюсь помогла фантазия ток на это хватила извини))))   

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