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   Patricia Ball is on vacation from work, but she (1)____ not happy.She has only $45. Where can she go (2)____only $45? Nowhere! What can she do with only $45? Nothing! 

   Then she (3)____ an idea. For $45 she can get a tattoo! She (4)____ $45 and gets a small tattoo on her chest. It is a tattoo (5)____ a horse. Patricia likes the tattoo. A few weeks (6)____  Patricia has some extra money, so she gets (7) ____ tattoo. It is a rainbow. Patricia likes the rainbow. She wants (8)____ tattoos. During the next ten years Patricia (9)____ hundreds of tattoos. She gets a Native American onn (10)____ arm. She gets the ocean on her leg, with green plants and silver fish. She gets a jungle on her back, with (11)____trees, orange birds and a blue waterfall. Patricia gets tattoos everywhere on her (12)_____;only her face and neck have no tattoos. Patricia wants more tattoos, but she can`t have them. There is no more space for tattoos! 


Ответ дал: nomathpls

1. is
2. with
3. has
4. pays (spends)
5. of
6. after
7. another
8. more
9. gets
10. her
11. green
12. body

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