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Помогите СРОЧНО!! Дам 20 балов

Ask question about the underlined information.
1) l dont have to phone Kate,becaise she is going to come here tomorrow
2)He doesnt have to do his homework today
3) My mother has to go to work by bus
4) Youll have to wait for me near the bus stops
5) I ll have to answer your teashers questions
6) You will have to ansver your teachers questions
7) l dont have to get up at seven oclock

Juliette3530: а что именно у вас подчеркнуто? к каким членам предложения задавать вопросы?
kuzhnaeva83: да подчеркнуто там.
kuzhnaeva83: я не смогла выделить
kuzhnaeva83: там к самым послдним фразам


Ответ дал: Juliette3530
1. When is Kate going to come here? (вопрос задан к tomorrow)

2. When doesn`t he have to do his homework? (вопрос задан к today)

3. How has your mother to go to work? (вопрос задан к by bus)

4. Where will I have to wait for you? (вопрос задан к near the bus stops

5. What will I have to answer? (вопрос задан к your teasher`s questions)

6. What time don`t I have to get up? (вопрос задан к at seven oclock)

если не к тем словам вопросы, пишите, переправлю.
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