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Ответ дал: juljok1
1) will come
2) is
3) comes
4) won't to believe
5) will let
6) will want
Ответ дал: ОниЗаТобойСледят

Subordinate clauses – те части предложений, которые начинаются с when  или if.

1.I don’t know when she’ll come.
 2.we shall all miss him when he is away.

3. When he comes, I’ll see him alone.

4. You’ll make a mistake, if you do not believe me.

5.I wonder if they will let me go at all.

6. I’ll let you know in a minute if I want you again.

7. nobody knows when he ‘ll be back.

8. When you’ll be away think of me sometimes.

9. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find it, but I’m very grateful anyway.

10. I don’t know when I’ll come again.

11. She will not dance with me if I don’t bring her a red rose.

12. Ask her if she really means it.
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