complete the text with the verbs in the correct form - Дополнить текст глаголами в правильной форме.

Lenny in (be) the correspondent of our school newspaper. Usully he ... (be) responsible for the holiday social programme. Last weeek he ... (have) a good sense of humour. He ... (play) different musical instruments. But most of all he ... (like) to play the guitar. Tomorrow he ... (live) not far from our town and ... (go) there by bus.


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

1) Lenny was the correspondent of our school newspaper.

2) Usually he was responsible for the holiday social programme.

3) Last week he had a good sense of humor.

4) He plays different musical instruments.

5) But most of all he likes to play the guitar.

6) Tomorrow he will live not far from our town and (will- второй раз можно не употреблять) go there by bus.

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