Раскройте скобки, составив 3 типа условных предложений



1) If the fisherman(be) less patient,he (not to catch)  so much fish

2)If you (to put) the ice-cream into the refrigerator, it (not melf)

3)If I (to know) the resulf now, I (to phone) her immediately

4)If you (let) me know yesterday,I (to bring) you my book

5)If it (to snow), the children (play) snowballs

















Ответ дал: Dmitry55

 Не знаю про какие 3 типа идет речь. Мне приходят в голову только такие условные предложения:



1) If the fisherman was less patient,he would not catch so much fish.

2)If you put the ice-cream into the refrigerator, it would not melt.

3)If I knew the result now, I'd phone her immediately.

4)If you let me know yesterday,I'd bring you my book.

5)If it snowed (здесь должно быть добавлено yesterday или т.п.), the children would play snowballs.



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