Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
1. I........(listen) to music every day.
2. He.......(not watch) a mach now. He's is the library.
3. or can I come in?
4.She usually........... (stay) in her flat in London, but she..................(stay) with her parents at the moment.
5. I.........(spend) more time with my friends these days.
6. Where..........your parents......... (live)?
7.What............he..........(study) now?
8. They often............(email) each other.
9. I...........(live) in Edinburgh this year.
10. at the moment?


Ответ дал: азизажоробекова
1) listen 2)isn't watching 3) Are you working 4)stays, but she is staying 5) I'm spending 6) are your parents living 7) is he studying 8)email 9) I'm living 10) are you reading
Ответ дал: Valerogi
1. I listen to music every day 
2. He isn't watching a mach now.
3. Are you working or can I come in? 
4. She usually stays in her flat in London , but she is staying with her parents at the moment.
5.I am spending more time with my friends these days.
6. Where are your parents live?
7.What are he studying now?
8.They often email each other.
9.I am living in Edinburgh this year.
10.What are you reading at the moment?
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