Напишите, кто что собирается сделать  He  is going to wash up используя глаголы: Buy, cook, get up, have, invite, play, put on, read, walk, work He …… a new bag.She … her aunt.We … in the park.I …. “Harry Porter”.The boys … at 6 o’clock.My uncle….. tomorrow.I … my raincoat.My friend and I …. Football.Granny…. Fish.We …. a party.


Ответ дал: alja17
He is going to buy a new bag. She is going to invite her aunt. We are going to walk in the park. I am going to read "Harry Potter". The boys are going to get up at 6 o'clock. My uncle is going to work. tomorrow. I am going to put on my raincoat. My friend and I are going to play football. Granny is going to cook fish. We are going to go to a party.

tktyrf3030: спасибо огромное
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