past tenses: 1)Sandra (paint) for three years before she sold her first painting.2. While Lisa (read) a book her brother was listening to music.3. (the girls/help) you with the housework yesterday? 4.Tom was very tired.He (play) football for hours.5. Susan was very happy because she (win) the first prize.6. Lisa was very upset because she (have) a nightmare.7.The secretary (send) letters by the time her boss came to work.8. The research team (fimd) an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab.9.Alex (not/go) to school yesterday.10.As Tony (play) computer games,his sister was watching TV.11.Nick (wait) for an hour before her friend arrived.12.We (not/go) to school yesterday.13.What (do) yesterday? 14. I (see) you in the morning.


Ответ дал: galina572319


1) had painted

2) was reading

3) did the girls help

4) he has been playing

5) had won

6) had

7) had sent

8) found

9) didn't go

10) was playing

11) had been waiting

12) didn't go

13) did you do

14) saw

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