Complete with the correct form of be able to.ДАЮ 26 БАЛЛОВ
Пример.I think Jack will be able to answer this question.Why don't you ask him(answer) come to the party next week (not come)
2.Good news!Chris thinks party the money.(lend)
3. ... that project by Monday?(you/finish)
5.My sister's having driving lessons.She... in three weeks(drive)
6.I'm really sorry.I... you next Saturday.(not join)


Ответ дал: Найтрикс
1)We wont be able to come to the party next week
2)He will be able to lend us the money
3)Will you be able to finish
5)she will be able to drive
6)i wont be able to join

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Ответ дал: Pollinakras
1.We aren't able to come to the party next week (not come) 2.Good news!Chris thinks party he is able to lend us the money. 3.Are you able that project by Monday? 5.My sister's having driving lessons.She is able to drive in three weeks. 6.I'm really sorry.I am not able to join you next Saturday.

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