Закончите предложение выбрав правильную букву. 1 My father is a writer.He ....many books.

a) wrote

b)have written

c) has written

2 We..a holiday last year.

a hadn"t

b) Didn*t have

c) haven*t been having

3 I.....football yesterday afternoon

a) played

b) have played

c) haven*t played

4 He....fish since 4 a.m.


b) has caught

c)has been catching

5 ...you ever...a famous person?

a) Did....met


c) Have...met

6 -You look very pale. -I...very hard

a)have worked

b)has been working

c)have been working

7 -Is Ann here? -No,she...yet

a)didn*t come

b)hasn*t come

c)hasn*t been coming

8 William Shakespeare...from 1564 to 1616

a) lived

b)did live

c)has lived

9 She...money for her holiday for 3 months ...she..enough?

a)has saved:Has..saved

b)has been saving:Has ...saved

c) has saved:Has...been saving

10 We are not hungry.We.. breakfast today


b) have no

c) have had

11 i haven*t been to my native town..my childhood

a) already



12 Tom has been playing football...2years



c) for

13-have you written to Joht..? -yes i*ve...finished a leter to him

a)already yet

b)yet alredy

c) yet ever


Ответ дал: anamariacarunt

Ha has written many books.
We didn't have a holiday last year.
I played football...
He has been catching..
Have you ever met a famous person? 
I have worked very hard
has not come yet
has been saving.has she saved
had breakfast

Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

1 My father is a writer.He ....many books. c) has written

2 We..a holiday last year. b) didn*t have

3 I.....football yesterday afternoon a) played

4 He....fish since 4 a.m. c)has been catching

5 ...you ever...a famous person? c) Have...met

6 -You look very pale. -I...very hard a)have worked

7 -Is Ann here? -No,she...yet b)hasn*t come

8 William Shakespeare...from 1564 to 1616 a) lived

9 She...money for her holiday for 3 months ...she..enough? b)has been saving:Has ...saved

10 We are not hungry.We.. breakfast today c) have had

11 i haven*t been to my native town..my childhood b)since

12 Tom has been playing football...2years c) for

13-have you written to Joht..? -yes i*ve...finished a leter to him b)yet already

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