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Ответ дал: SquirrelGalore
1) Doing, playing
3) Was waiting
4) Skiing, skating, had
5) Got, decorated
1) - Are you meet Viktor?
 - Yes he was quickly running to the bus stop
2) They were cooked dinner at that time?
- Yes they cooked dinner at the home.
3)What were you doing at three o'clock yesterday?
- I was waiting for him.
5)- What weather was all day?
-All day weather was fine
6)- What were they doing when he came into the classroom.
- They laugh about me
Ответ дал: thornowl
1. was doing; were playing
2. was cooking
3. was waiting
4. were skiing; were skating; was having
5. was getting; were decorating

1. Where did you meet Victor?
I met him in the street. He was running quickly
2. Where were they at this time?
They were cooking dinner
3. What were you doing at 3 o'clock yesterday?
I was waiting for him
4. What was he doing when you came in?
He was looking for something
5. Was the weather good?
Yes, it was. The weather was fine, the sun was shining all day
6. Why were they laughing when you entered the classroom?
They were reading something funny
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