Пожалуйста, помогите!! Продолжите предложения!

1.Forests were very important for early Russians,...
2.in Britain the Romans buit roads and towns,...
3.London port was very important for the Romans,...
4.Fred always comes to classes in time,..
5.The new films about planets is very interesting,...
6.Jane will be on holiday in July,..

Нужно вставить
1.doesnt he?
2. isnt it?
3. werent they?
4.wasnt it?
5.wont she?
6.didnt they?


Ответ дал: Natara1
1.Forests were very important for early Russians, 3. weren't they?
Yes, they were.
2.In Britain the Romans buit roads and towns, 6.didn't they?
Yes, they did.
3.London port was very important for the Romans, 4.wasn't it?
Yes, it was.

4.Fred always comes to classes in time, 1.doesn't he?
Yes, he does.
5.The new film about planets is very interesting, 2. isnt it? (тут в оригинале  один film или films?)
Yes, it is.
6.Jane will be on holiday in July, 5.won't she?
Yes, she will.

comarovaa: Спасибо большое
comarovaa: Напишите,пожалуйста, еще ответы на эти вопросы то есть: Yes,they were..
Natara1: Написала, там везде да должно быть?
comarovaa: на счет да или нет
comarovaa: я разберусь. Мне главное грамотно написать. Спасибо Вам!!)
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