Помогите с Английским языком.
Вопрос в задании :
Remember the text and say
1) how many countries are situated on the biggest island of the world
2)what part of Australia is desert
3) what is the name of the biggest city in Australia
4) which is the oldest city in the country
5) what city is the capital of the country


Ответ дал: ПотныйБатя
1) One
2) Western plateau
3) Sydney
4) Sydney
5) Canberra

nikitoskis: Спасибоо,прошу ещё одну просьбу.Я написал не все.
nikitoskis: 6) what part of the country is practically empty 7) where people who live in Australia like to spend winter holidays 8) in what part of the country most people live 9) When did British people appear in Australia? 10) What name did they give to the people they found there? 11) How many Aborigines lived in Australia at that time? БУДУ ВАМ БЛАГОДАРЕН ЕЩЁ ЗА ЭТО!ПРОШУ ВАС!
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