Помогите по английскому языку! плииз )))

№1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в требуемую по смыс- лу видо-временную форму. В разделе Б обратите внимание на особенности пассивных конструкций. Переведите предложе- ния на русский язык
1.Charles Dickens (wrote / had written) the novels about the life of the poor people.
2.You (have seen / will see) a place called the Poets' Corner in the southern part of Westminster Abbey.
3.We saw a lot of tourist attractions when our group (visits / visited) the capital.
4.The best of Kipling's prose works (is / will be) the Jungle Book. Б
1.For centuries the country's greatest people (were / had been) bur-
ied in the cathedral.
2.King Henry III died in 1272 and (was/ has been) buried in the Westminster Abbey.
3.Westminster Abbey (is / will be) located near the Houses of Par-

№2. Соотнесите функции Participle I и Participle II (А - Г) с номе- рами предложений. Переведите предложения на русский язык. А. Participle I, определение.
Б. Participle I, обстоятельство; Participle I,часть глагольного сказуемого в Present Continuous.
В. Participle II, определение.
Г. Participle II, обстоятельство.
1.The students admired the collection consisting of books, pictures and antiquities.
2.Visiting the museum you are becoming a time traveller.
3.When opened to the public the memorial drew great attention.
4.George II, the last King buried in Westminster Abbey died in 1760.


Ответ дал: Gulnara1979
1- had wroten
2-will see
2-has been

sashavictoria: А в первом номере,под буквой А, нет такого ответа же (had wroten)
Gulnara1979: перепутала had written
sashavictoria: Спасибо )
sashavictoria: А поможете еще №3 решить ? ахах
sashavictoria: Выпишите из следующих предложений модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты.
1.You can visit Westminster Abbey when you are in London.
2.On 16 November 2010 it was announced that Prince William and Catherine Middleton were to marry.
3.Thomas Hardy's heart was to be buried with his wife.
sashavictoria: 4.What should be done to preserve the historic monument?
5.I must buy the video of the Royal Wedding ceremony.
6.The tourists have to cross the bridge and they will see the Tower.
7.At the Abbey you will be able to see the memorial of David Frost, a modern journalist and writer.
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