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Ответ дал: Армянка011
Скажите с кем вы хотите стать я помогаю

Iruna1357: Програмистом
Ответ дал: Amelii2005

The programmer- програмист

Армянка011: I want to become a computer programmer. I am interested in computers. It is a whole new world.
Many people continue careers of their parents or grand parents but it is not the case with me. My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor. But I don't want to be neither a teacher nor a doctor.
Армянка011: My favourite subjects in school are mathematics, physics, and, of course, computer science. I am not interested in such subjects as geography, biology or chemistry.
I have a computer at home and can spend hours working at it. It is much easier to do things on computer, for example to write a composition. You can change the text as many times as you want and you don't need to rewrite everything if you changed something.
Армянка011: Ну как?
Армянка011: I want to become a computer programmer. I am interested in computers. It is a whole new world.
Many people continue careers of their parents or grand parents but it is not the case with me
Армянка011: Вот так
Iruna1357: Хорошое
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