помогите ответить на вопросы:
а) какой правильный ответ.
1. He has got a lot of .... .
a) apple b) cheese c) sandwich
2. These are Kate`s .... .
a) shoes b) dress c) box
3. Does he usually buy .... juice?
a) a lot b) many c) mach
4. What ... you eat for dinner?
a) are b) did c) have
5. Can you bring many...?
a) sweet b) sweets c) jam
6. How ... fruit would you like to buy?
a) much b) many c) old
7. ..... are they from?
a) When b) Where c) Why
8. I .... ill.
a) am not b) cannot c) don`t
9. The ....usually buys food there.
a) man b) men c) children
10. Who ... the chocolate yesterday?
a) ate b) did eat c) does eat

б) Задайте вопросы. Дайте ответы:
1. ------ he usually drink much milk?
------- Yes, .............
2. ------ he drink much milk yesterday?
------ Yes, .............
3. ------ he drinking milk?
------ Yes, .............
4. ------ he there much milk in the bottle?
------ Yes, .............
5. ------ .......he got much milk?
------ Yes, .............

в) Напишите краткий ответ:
1. ----- Who came late?
----- Ted .........
2. ----- Who comes late?
----- Ted .........
3. ------Who is playing the piano?
----- Ted .........
4. ------Who plays the piano?
----- Ted .........
5. ------Who played the piano?
----- Ted .........


Ответ дал: Дурочка05

б)1.does he........?
Yes, he does
2.did he.....
yes, he did
3.is he....
yes, he is
4.has he........
yes, he has
5has he.....
yes, he has

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