Find the variant which is NOT correct. The dog.....near the fire.a) sleep b) is sleeping c) doesn't sleep d) sleeps


Ответ дал: SBurns
Неправильный вариант - "sleep"

smv1982: He.... gets up early in the morning. a)often b)seldom c)as usually d)usually
SBurns: as usually
smv1982: My mother.... in our family a)cooks b)cooks meals c) do meals d) is the cook
Ответ дал: Кулич13
Неправильный a)sleep

smv1982: The boy play chess. a) can b) could c) cans d) was able to
SBurns: неправильно - cans
smv1982: He.... gets up early in the morning. a)often b)seldom c)as usually d)usually
Кулич13: Неправильный c)cans
Это точно.
smv1982: My mother.... in our family a)cooks b)cooks meals c) do meals d) is the cook
Кулич13: Правильный a)cooks
AськаMEW: Неучи! Вообще-то CANS как рази правильный вариант! She/He прибавляем к глаголу хвостик -s.
AськаMEW: Sorry не туда отправила.
mombekova1986: Модальному глаголу can -s не прибавляем.
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