помогите пожалуйста срочно! переведите с русского на английский


dimas845: каким макаром читать?Сфотографируй нормально,тогда наверное напишу
molodtsovsaha: я фотографировал нормально это программа повернула фотографию
dimas845: там настроить можно,просто реально сложно читать
dimas845: лан сам переверну
molodtsovsaha: хорошо


Ответ дал: dimas845
my sister as a child is interested in sports. she is the best basketball player in our city at the moment.vozmozhno in the future it would be a sports judge

Your parents will be tomorrow in the city? No, they are now in Romania. they will be here in a week

Yesterday the weather was cold and horrible .was liven.A warm and sunny today.

3I enjoy ballroom dancing, I'll be a good competitor in the future

5 не могу

his sister is afraid of nothing! She did not even scared of snakes yesterday

when you are at university? I'll be there at 14:30

8 тяжко

Their children are now in the yard? No they are in the garden

Why are you always late for work? I'm always late for work because the office is too far away from home

dimas845: прости но не все слова я знаю
molodtsovsaha: понятно, спасибо
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