Complete the sexond sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not chancge the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning
1.You should get more sleep the doctor told me( advised.)
2. Eating more fruit is good for you too, she said (recommended)
3. Why don't you come for a coffee? Nigel said to me( invited)
4. I won't be able to finish the assignment, she said(explained)
5.I am not going to let you in, she told him( refused)
6. You won the match. Well done, the coach said to them(congratulated)


Ответ дал: LyudmilaFrukt
doctor advise me to get more sleep
She reccomended me to eat more fruit
Nigel invited me to come for a coffee
She explained she wont be able to finish the assignment
She refused him to let in
Coach congratulated them for won the match
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