Вставьте am, is, are.
1. I ... not a teacher, I ... a cadet.
2. “... you a pilot?” “No, I ... not”.
3. “... he a captain?” “Yes, he ...”.
4. The pilot and the captain ... not on deck.
5. “Where ... you?” “We ... in the hall”.
6. Comrade Smirnova ... not in this room. She ... in that room.
7. “... that table black?” “Yes, it ...”.
8. “... the windows small?” “No, they ... not”.
9. “Who ... in the engine-room?” “The engineer ...”.
10. “... your comrades cadets”. “Yes, they ...”.


Ответ дал: даша21212121
где I надо писать am
Где He she it надо писать is
А к they we и you надо писать are

даша21212121: 1. am am
даша21212121: 2.are am
даша21212121: 3.is is
даша21212121: 4.are
даша21212121: 5.are are
даша21212121: 6. is is
даша21212121: 7.is is
даша21212121: 8. Are are
даша21212121: 9.is is
даша21212121: 10.are are
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