Исправте ошибку в предложении.
1.L love play basketball .

2.Maria has brekfast now.

3.what time are you usually getting up?

4.My little sister doesent like to helping at home .

5.Robert is doing karate three times a week .

6.Listen !tThe teacher speaks to us .
Помогите пожалуйста очень прошу ,срочно надо.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. I love playing basketball.
2. Maria is having breakfast now.
3. What time do you usually get up?
4. My little sister doesn't like helping at home.
5. Robert does karate three times a week.
6. Listen! The teacher is speaking to us.

Аноним: Cgfcb,j/
Аноним: Спасибо.
Аноним: Помогите пожалуйста здесь https://znanija.com/task/21787545
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