Choose the correct variant

... are my new trainers.
1. This 2. These 3. That 4. Their

...a little girl in the picture.
1. they is 2. there is 3. there 4. there are

... is Sally from?
1. what 2. when 3. where 4. who

What time ...the first lesson start?
1. is 2. do 3. does 4. has

They haven't got ... money.
1. much 2. many 3. few 4. some

Mary and Tom ... tennis bnow.
1. play 2. they are playing 3. plays 4. are playing

Maria ... early in the morning.
1. get up 2. dj get up 3. get ups 4. doesn't get up

There ins't ... chocolate in the cupboard.
1. some 2. no 3. any 4. many

How do you go to school?
1. on bus 2. by walk 3. in bike 4. on foot

Tom shut the door ... him.
1. between 2. among 3. behind 4. far


Ответ дал: LalkaIzi
1) these
2) there is
3) where
4) does
5) some
6) are playing
7) gets up
8) any
9) on foot
10) behind

дариана2006: Спасибо
ksuwaL: 7) "gets up" - это правильно, но у меня в тесте только вариант "get up" - отметила его.
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