Put the words in the correct order to make sentences (составьте предложения)

a) scarf / where / you / my / put / did ?
b) usually / do / when / get / you / up ?
c) around / summer / travelled / last / I / Europe.
d) wears / never/ dark / he / clothes.
e) brought / dog / shelter / the / who / the / to ?
f) first / in / sculpture / he / the / saw / Italy.


Ответ дал: juliasha555
A) Where did you put my scarf? B) When do you usually get up? C) Last summer I travelled around Europe. D) He never wears dark clothes. E) Who brought the dog to the shelter? F) He saw the first sculpture in Italy.

Almazik239: Е) ... dOg ...
juliasha555: Упс, опечаточка)
Ответ дал: Almazik239
a) Where did you put my scarf?
b) When do you usually get up?
c) I travelled around Europe last summer.
d) He never wears dark clothes.
e) Who brought the dog to the shelter?
f) He saw the first sculpture in Italy.

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