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Task 2

Fill each of the numbered gaps in the following passage with the most appropriate word from the wordbank. Use only one word in each space. Write the appropriate letter in the gap. The task begins with an example (0). Note that there are more words than gaps.


Over the past 12 months, public (0)Iin Australia, theUS and the Netherlands
have utilized mobile phone technologyto (1) ________________ massemergency warnings and

(2) ________________ which appear as text messages. In these countries they are now a standard part of the communications arsenal for warnings about (3) ________________ bushfires or floods or possible blizzards (in some US jurisdictions they have even been used for (4) ________________ children alerts).

Other countries, including earthquake-prone Chile and Japan, are still developing their systems. Unlike an opt-in system (say, your favourite pizza shop text-messaging a promotional offer) which is

(5) ________________ on a database of phone numbers, mass emergency alerts are transmitted to all the devices (6) ________________ the reach of phone towers in the relevant (7) ________________. This means that if you’re a (8) ________________ who is elsewhere that day, you won’t get the alert, but if you’re travelling through the place, you will. The message is (9) ________________ out for all; no registering or tracking is done on phones that (10) ________________ the messages.

A missing G dependent
B within H resident
C receive I authorities
D beamed J approaching
E issue K updates
F in L area


Ответ дал: rainbowkurty
1) B within H resident
2) D beamed J approaching
3) E issue K updates
4) missing G dependent
5) C receive I authorities
6) F in L area

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