Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right. The Russian people's attitude to life is largely governed by the climate. The Russian winter is known to (1) ... as "General Winter" because of the (2) ... part that low temperatures played in various attempt of (3) .... Europe to occupy Russia. The Russian climate can be summed up (4) ... as : spring - wet: roads (5) ... from mud; summer - (6) ... hot: roads turned into dust tracks; autumn - wet: roads (7) ... from mud; winter (8) ... cold: roads (9) ... from snow. history decide west brief passable bearable passable awful passable


Ответ дал: nunny
Russian people's attitude to life is largely governed by the climate. The Russian winter is known to (1) historians as "General Winter" because of the (2)  decisive part that low temperatures played in various attempt of (3)Western  Europe to occupy Russia. The Russian climate can be summed up (4) briefly as: spring - wet: roads (5) impassable from mud; summer - (6) awfly hot: roads turned into dust tracks; autumn - wet; roads (7) impassable from mud; winter (8) unbearably cold: roads (9) impassable from snow. 

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