1. Payment ……………. yesterday.
a) is received b) was received c) received

2. The company’s annual accounts …………….. by the Chief Accountant.
a) is prepared b) are prepared c) prepare

3. The agent ……………. by the company last week.
a) was accredited b) were accredited c) accredited

4. Nowadays all the clients of the bank ……………… for a financial advisory service.
a) are provided b) were provided c) provided

5. Equipment, tools and computers …………… in the manufacturing process.
a) is used b) are used c) used

6. Land, labour and capital ……………….. to produce goods.
a) are required b) is required c) required

7. A free market ……………………………… by a government.
a) is not controlled b) are not controlled c) not controlled

8. The goods ………………………….. locally.
a) are made and sold b) was made and sold c) is made and sold

9. The money ……………… in an account in Hamburg.
a) are lodged b) were lodged c) was lodged

10. The price of petrol …………………… by market forces.
a) are influenced b) is influenced c) influenced

11. The market – place …. always ………….. on Saturdays.
a) is … crowded b) were … crowded c) are … crowded


Ответ дал: DASHILDA
1)Was recieved
2)are prepared
3)was accredited
4)are provided
5)are used
6)are required
7)is not controlled
8)are made and sold
9)were lodged
10)is influenced
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