Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужном времени.

1)    We (to cook) our meals on a fire last summer.

2)    My sister (to wash) the dishes every morning.

3)    I (to send) a letter to my friend tomorrow.

4)    My father (to go) on a business trip last month.


Ответ дал: irinasin4

1)    We  cooked our meals on a fire last summer.

2)    My sister  washes the dishes every morning.

3)    I will send a letter to my friend tomorrow.

4)    My father went on a business trip last month.

Ответ дал: megabrain98

1)    We cooked our meals on a fire last summer.

2)    My sister washes the dishes every morning.

3)    I will send a letter to my friend tomorrow.

4)    My father went on a business trip last month.

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