Написать сочинение на тему " как я отмечаю Новый год" на английском языке пожалуйста срочно нужно


Ответ дал: allianna01

Our guests came to visit us in the evening. They gave me wonderful presents. My aunt gave me a teddy bear as a present. My uncle`s present for me was a beautiful doll.

Then Father Frost came to our place. He was so funny! He had a big bag of presents.I told him a poem about winter, and he gave me aCOMPUTER game as a present.

At last New Year came! We congratulated our dearest and nearest and wished them a Happy New Year! We enjoyed food and drinks. We danced, sang songs and played. I played theGUITAR. We had a good time together.

New Year was a merry and a happy holiday. I liked it very much.

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