Перепишите следущие предложения во множественном числе.
1.It is a hotel restaurant.
2.Has he got any information?
3.This is a right way.
4 She was a good speaker at the meeting.
5.There isn't any coffee left.
6.That was a rare bird.


Ответ дал: FieldMouse
They are hotel restaurants.
Have they got any information?
These are right ways.
They were good speakers at the meetings.
There isn't any coffee left.
Those were rare birds.
Information и coffee - неисчисляемые, в множественном числе не употребляются.
Ответ дал: NataliaHarmer
These are hotel restaurants.  ( ?)
Has he got any informations?  (+)
These are right ways(+)
She was a good speaker at the meetings(+)
There are not any coffee left   (?)
Those were rare birds(+)

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