Хелпу СРОЧНО 34Б!!!

Употребите верную личную форму глаголов To be, to havе. Образуйте вопросительную форму данных предложений

to be:
You ... good at physics.(past)
The ice ... thick to skate.(future)
Marry ... angry with me.(past)

to have:
I ... a new tape-recoder.(future)
She ... no time to do it.(past)
We ... holidays in summer.(present)


Ответ дал: nunny
You were good at physics. (past)
The ice will be thick to skate. (future)
Marry was angry with me. (past)
I shall have a new tape-recoder. (future)
She had no time to do it. (past)
We have holidays in summer. (present)

Were you good at physics
? (past)
Will the ice be thick to skate
? (future)
Was Marry angry with me
? (past)
Shall I have a new tape-recoder
? (future)
Did she have any time to do it? (past)
Do we have holidays in summer
? (present)
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