Вставьте a/an,the или нечего.

...art gallery is ... place that shows ...paintings.

...desk is ...spacial table ...people use for writing or reading.

...street  is ... road in ... town.It has ... buildings along it.

...cow is large farm animal that gives ... milk.

...squirrel is ... smal animal with ... beautiful long tail. It eats ... nuts. ... squirrels live in ... trees.


Ответ дал: МариночкаКраснова

Вставьте a/an,the или нечего.

..an .art gallery is .a.. place that shows ...paintings.

...desk is .a..spacial table ...people use for writing or reading.

...street  is ..a. road in .a.. town.It has ... buildings along it.

.a..cow is large farm animal that gives ... milk.

..a.squirrel is ..a. smal animal with ... beautiful long tail. It eats ... nuts. ... squirrels live in ..the. trees.

Ответ дал: coccinelletvo
An, a, -, a, a, -, a, a, a, -, a, -, a, a, a, -, -, the
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