Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns(возвратные местоимения).

1.I don't think you should help him all the time. He should learn to get out of difficult situations ………………………… .

2. It was a great camping holiday! There were no people 50 kilometers around. We slept in tents, hunted for food and cooked it ……………….. .

3. She was speaking very loudly, but it was so noisy in the room that she could hardly hear ………………… .

4. The kids are only ten years old. I don’t think they were able to invent this plan…………………………

5. – Shall I order the plane tickets for you? - No, thanks. I’ve already done it ……………… .

6. Do you want me to tell your parents about the incident or will you do it …………………..?


Ответ дал: rahat707
1) himself 2)ourselves 3)herself 4) themselves 5) myself 6) yourself

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