Test 1: Past Simple
Task 1. Поставьте следующие правильные глаголы во вторую форму:
To like, to play, to stop, to live, to wash, to skate, to help, to clean, to answer, to try, to want, to open, to close

Task 2. Распределите полученные глаголы в соответствии с правилами чтения окончания на необходимое количество колонок.

Task 3. Поставьте нужную форму глагола to be в предложения

1. My mother ... at work yesterday.
2. Two weeks ago we ... in the zoo.
3. I ... happy on Sunday.
4. My dog ... in the country in summer.
5. Olya and Kolya ... at school yesterday.

Task 4. Поставьте нужное отрицание wasn’t, weren’t, didn’t
1. I ... at school yesterday.
2. He ... read a book last Monday.
3. They ... go to the zoo last summer
4. They ... happy.

Task 5. Поставь нужный глагол was, were, did
1. ... you help your mother yesterday?
2. ... you play football a week ago?
3. ... they at school on Saturday?
4. ... your mother in the park on Sunday?
Task 6. Составь предложения из следующих слов
1. a test / you / two days ago / did / write ?
2. didn’t / get up / I / yesterday / at 8 a.m.
3. in the country / last summer / we / were.
4. swim / when / in the river / you / did ?
5. this film / saw / who ?
6. a letter / last month / I / sent.

Task 7. Найди ошибки и исправь их
1. I wash up the dishes yesterday.
2. They wasn’t in Moscow last summer.
3. We didn’t go to a birthday party on Sunday.
4. I eat a tasty cake yesterday.
5. My mother not worked last autumn.
6. When you play football?

Task 8. Сделай следующие предложения отрицательными и вопросительными
1. We played computer games yesterday.
2. My friend went to Moscow in summer.
3. My father was at work last evening.
4. The flowers were very nice.


Ответ дал: lugnovka
1.2. liked, stopped, washed, helped; played, lived, cleaned, answered, tried, opened, closed; skated, wanted
3. was, were, was, was, were
wasn’t, didn’t, didn’t, weren’t
5.  did, did, were, was
6. Did you write a test two days ago?
I didn't get up at 8 a.m. yesterday.
We were in the country last summer.
When did you swim in the river?
Who saw this film?
I sent a letter last month.
7. I WASHED up the dishes yesterday.
They WEREN'T in Moscow last summer.
We didn’t go to a birthday party on Sunday.
I ARE a tasty cake yesterday.
My mother DID not WORK last autumn.
When DID you play football?
We DID NOT PLAY computer games yesterday. DID you PLAY computer games yesterday?
My friend DID NOT GO to Moscow in summer. DID your friend 
GO to Moscow in summer?
My father WAS NOT at work last evening. WAS your father 
at work last evening?
The flowers WERE NOT very nice. WERE the flowers 
very nice?
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